Celebrating Pride in Tech
Pride month is a time to recognize the contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals and celebrate love and authenticity. While June is officially Pride Month, pride can and should be celebrated year-round. Today, we want to highlight three companies, organizations, and groups in the tech industry that stand out in their efforts to support the LGBTQ+ community all year long.
ThoughtWorks is a global tech consultancy. For the last three years, Stonewall (a UK-based charity for lesbian, gay, bi, and trans equality) has recognized them by including ThoughtWorks on the Stonewall Top 100 UK Employers List. This company is also known for their bi- and trans-inclusivity efforts, as well as their “Interning with Pride” program based in India.
To read more about ThoughtWorks, you can check out their Diversity Equity and Inclusion page: https://www.thoughtworks.com/about-us/diversity-and-inclusion
LGBT Tech is a group of LGBTQ+ individuals that work to provide research, programs, and resources for the LGBTQ+ community. This group is active in policy education and is a part of multiple tech-based coalitions surrounding various LGBTQ+ issues. Additionally, LGBT Tech provides programs that actively change the lives of LGBTQ+ youth.
You can read more about LGBT Tech’s programs, research, coalition involvement, and more on their website: https://www.lgbttech.org/
Out in Tech
Out in Tech is a non-profit community that promotes unity for LGBTQ+ individuals in the technology industry. Notably, Their Digital Corps provides websites for LGBTQ+ activists, organizations, and others across the globe. Another program, Out in Tech U, readies LGBTQ+ youth for a professional life in tech. Out in Tech also hosts digital community spaces that connect LGBTQ+ individuals across the world.
Out in Tech’s website covers their events, programs, and communities more in-depth: outintech.com/
Closing thoughts
From all of us here at TeamBradley to you… Happy Pride Month. Be you.