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Video Interviewing 101

In today’s world, in person interviewing has become a thing of the past. So how do we adjust to this change? How do we make sure that we are still going to come across as a top candidate? TeamBradley has been trying to come up with ways to help you out!

 The  virtual world has become just the way of life, from virtual game nights to virtual interviews; it’s just how we interact now. Talking to people on a “Zoom” call isn’t necessarily the same as talking to someone in person. Whether it is body language or tone, different things can be misconstrued more on the phone or on a camera. When it comes to set-up, details do matter. Camera height, lighting and your background are huge in an on camera interview. If the camera is set up too low, you could be looking up your nose or have strange shadowing on your face, which no one wants. But also if it’s too high the framing could be weird which will come off unprofessional and awkward. In lighting you don’t want it too bright or too dark, you want it easy to see you and easy to look at the screen for a long period of time. Behind you, it is best to have a non-distracting, plain setting. You don’t want anything that is going to take the focus off of you and the job you are discussing. Also, we know not everyone keeps their desk as tidy as the rest of the house. That being said, if you are sitting at your desk, personal touches are ok, but clutter is a big NO. Your desk being a mess could be taken to as a hint that you are disorganized and that’s a big red flag.

When the actual meeting is occurring, be sure to have notes ready, whether you have questions or things you are sure you want to mention, be prepared and have it set up. You don’t want to have to get up or move around while on camera. Also, interviews can get long, which means your throat could get dry, have water next to you. It’s ok to take a sip or two at appropriate times. Also, make sure to keep in mind the eye contact part of an interview. Although you are not in person and cannot have real eye contact it is important to look directly into the camera, not at you or at them necessarily. It will come off more personal that way. That can get hard to remember so maybe put a sticky flag by the camera in-case you drift away. It may not be natural to you, but it will feel more natural to the interviewer.

  But the best tip anyone can give, is still be you. It may be more uncomfortable to be on camera and not walk in and shake someone’s hand; however you still have to have your energy and personality. They still want to get to know who you are and what you are about. That’s the point of an interview, whether in person or not! Dress professional, but still look like you and ask questions, answer naturally and try not to think about setting of the interview, stay focused. Last, don’t forget to smile a bit more, just so you seem excited and happy about the position.

 To sum up, they are there to meet with you. Make sure your setting is great; the lighting feels right and put a smile on! Interviewing whether in an office or on a screen can be intimidating, but putting forth a confident and happy self will get you far!